Friday, July 30, 2010

The "U" Stand Alone Story

This is a old and classic note I made back in 2005-2006....originally on Myspace. This some serious stuff that was running in my mind, in the old days. I still some of these thoughts in my head till this day.

U feel like your life doesn't belong in the world.

U watching other people life become something you wanted.

U fell like everybody is against you.

U think different then everybody.

U listen to music that your friends think is weird.

U feel like your life is too short and you want to make something out of it.

U see yourself walking alone in the desert, forest, etc.

U think everything around you isn't real.

U get the funniest feeling that you can see everything.

U feel like this is your story and your telling everybody about it.

U feel that you are the only one that thinks this life isn't real.

U see people through only your eyes.

U get the feeling, "how come I can see my arms, legs, etc. but I can't see behind me!?"

U wish that you can go to your fantasy world....just to get away.

U wish that monsters, demon, angels, etc. just come, to spark up your life.

Now that you have read this....look to your "left" to your "right", then look at your body in the mirror, then look outside and ask yourself this question!?

"Why can't I see behind me!? How come I can see what's in-front of me but not behind me!?" Why does it feel like I'm the only one waking up every morning and do what I'm doing and seeing everybody, but why can't I see behind me!? Ask yourself..."why does it feel like, if I die...what body will I have and what will I see this time, with my new EYES!?"