Wednesday, April 20, 2011


People always put there life on "pause" when things isn't looking right. I know, I've done to myself before because it was waiting for a change. Then I realized, why must I do that. It wasn't on "pause" before, why now. Then I realized it wasn't on "pause", I was just nervous. I was nervous of the fact, that I wasn't going to progress from the spot "I" placed myself at. Its alright to be nervous from time to time. Just don't let it keep you away from moving forward in life. Now I see that for myself, I just can't be always on "pause" when things change and or not move. I just have to stand UP and push myself to move forward. You should too. So push that "paused" button and hit "play". Your time will come, when all the pieces come together in life. Just "smile" =)