Saturday, June 27, 2015


Every so often I sit back,
I sit back and think about the past.
The past is not always great,
Even when you think it was.
My memory is now foggy,
Foggy as a deep mist.
Some people know this pain,
Pain of losing a love one.
It hurts now because it's real,
Real pain
Real feelings
Real love

You don't know my pain,
My pain is mine alone.
You may have felt something,
But it was not mine.
I wore it like ink,
Ink like a tattoo.
There was no hiding it,
Hiding would be a waste.
It started to fade,
When you started to fade away.
I'm sad because it's real,
Real emotion
Real tears
Real love

I am bruised and battered,
I fought a tough battle.
Only to know that I lost,
Lost to keep your heart safe.
I thought I was your sword,
And you was my sheath.
You did not trust my strength,
My strength to protect you.
Now I'm dull and rusty,
Did you not feel loved and safe.
It's hurting again...,
This Real Love.