Monday, June 13, 2011

Soul Music

There are many ways to get to someones Soul. But its never easy to do that. We try and try to get into there Soul by doing different things, saying different things, and showing different things. To me I believe to get into someones Soul without forcing and trying hard. You just simply "Sing". Let me say this again..."Sing". When your singing from the heart, its communicates to another persons Soul. People sing because they know it will reach and be close to your home and heart. To be honest I only sing when I wanna communicate my true feelings, so your Soul knows that this is real. If mine and your voice can sing and it makes you smile and cry, then both our songs can only be called "Soul Music". I may not sing like there artist out there, but when I sing...I know you will smile because my voice and my soul makes you feel warm and fuzzy. So if you wanna get to someones Soul and see how they feel about you, Sing! Now do you see why voices are meant to be heard instead of hiding it. For me, I should say the same thing but I only chose a select few to hear my voice through music because I believe they deserve it and also because I want them to know. The songs I sing, comes from my heart and soul so you know its real. So stop trying to find and or try to get to someones Soul the hard way. Sing to them and all should be clear. Sing to the ones you care about and see if you've have touched there Soul through Music. If that works, then you picked the right Soul to sing too. But also, see if they can do the same back because 2 Souls needs to communicate instead of 1. I hope my singing reached to your Soul instead of your Heart. Now go on world...SING THAT SOUL MUSIC!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


We know how to throw the word around. We use it to get out of trouble. We share it with the ones we truly care about. We say it to our Lord. Yeah, everyone knows this line "I LOVE YOU". These words were suppose be precious to the ones we love. But now and days, we use it for everything but what it was intented for. ILY shows smile, caring, passion, hope, faith, power, tears, and partnership. I use those words with the fullest of my heart because your heart is right. You wouldn't LOVE your parent(s) because your brain tells you do. You feel it and you say it, I LOVE YOU! I've heard those words a lot this year. And I said it as well but comin from me. I wasn't afraid to express it and or hide it, like it was forbidden for me to share I LOVE YOU. We using that word, you have to understand what the meaning of that is, doesn't mean look it up. Look at your parent(s) and you can see and feel what it means to love someone and yourself. I sit back and think did my words stray you away or was it that you rather hide it and keep it on the hush. I will never know unless you talk. But ILY MD and that won't change even if your not with and or next to me. Just when you use the "ILY" card, make sure you know what your planning to do next. Only you can pick and choose your path through your own heart and mind. So you said, "ILY" to me and didn't mean it from the heart...oh well. I get it. So for anyone who's been hit or thrown this "ILY" word around. "PLEASE USE THAT WORD WISELY" because you can make a scar become a life time mark of pain and hurt. But if you do, only you can heal it with saying and doing what your saying out of your mouth. "I LOVE YOU". So on that note, Fire and Ice make people say things without thinking. But I know you, IMMD2 and when it comes down to it. I will not treat you like a chick on the corner and say and do things that a women should ever feel or go through. So lady and gents. TREAT YOUR PARTNER RIGHT...OR BE THE BIGGER AND BETTER PERSON AND LET THEM BE HAPPY WITH SOMEONE WHO CAN MAKE THEM HAPPY OR HAPPIER. So to the people who reads this, your boy Devon Michael "MeccA" Moore will NEVER give up and or lose hope and or faith. Because I don't give it, I fight for what I believe in and do. No Regrets. (3 seals broke...tonight). Majin is free, until other wise. ILY MDNS, best believe that. Yes......yes I did just do that. Bring them back with you.