Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Scared of L.

I ran towards you.....I could see you in my sights. It wasn't hard to reach you, to pull you into my arms. But I could see that you was scared to let me reach you. I seen it in your pure blue eyes, they wasn't showing happiness but showing pain. I put my arms out to grab you but you turned away. I seen the tears fall off your smooth face and it made me cry. So I grab you and turned you to look at me. I didn't tell say, "it would be alright." I didn't pull your head into my chest. I placed my hand under your chin and kissed you. I seen your eyes turn from pure blue, to forest green. I was so happy, I could see your soul coming back and the happiness in your eyes. I felt your body get warm and I could also hear your heart-beat threw your lips. Then I moved back and reached out with my arms out again and said, "I'm scared you......but let's be scared, TOGETHER." Just as before, I seen you in my sights but this time. You ran into my arms and said, "Yes, and let's be scared of falling out of LOVE with each other too." And then she smiled.

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