Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lost within your Soul

I sit here and think about the past, instead of the future. Where I was, instead of where I can go. I look up at the pale moonlight wondering what you have plan for me. But I can't shake the feeling of how much you've impacted my life, in more than one occasion. When I close my eyes all I can see is you. You always know how to brighten my days with your warm and beautiful smile. I cry when I see your face because of what you've been through for me and everyone else. You always listen when I need to express my feelings. Anytime of the day, night, morning, afternoon, and midnight. I know you'll always be there for me, to make me smile and or laugh when I'm lost. When I speak and or whisper your name, I feel your soul. Like I'm lost in a trance, that I have no issue in following. I know I have strange life and past. But I was and still am that righteous and patience person that my family raised me to become and helped mold me into. I dont ask much from you. But just two major request. And that is...God, please watch over and protect the ones I love and cherish the most with all my heart. And even the ones that are not most precious to me, protect them and watch over them. You are almighty and merciful God. ILY. GB and GN

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